ScrollMap Applet

The Auto Mapped Scrolling Image Map ... with animation!

This was written by Marc Sacoolas of the SunSoft New Media Marketing technical staff.

To download this applet to use on YOUR page, you need the following 3 classes:.

ScrollMap.class, MyImage.class, and ImageLoader.class

This helpful applet from the SunSoft New Media Marketing Group allows you to create navigational life forms on your home page. Simply supply the images, and a Ticker-tape like animation will make the images separate targets for URL destinations, mailto, telnet and ftp.

The parameters you need to supply are as follows:

width is how long your applet will be

height is how tall your applet will be

speed is how fast your ticker-tape will go

img_dir is the directory your images are in

dir is how many pixels your banner will move at a time. If this value is negative, the banner will go from right to left.

urln is/are the name of the image name(s)

destn is/are the URL destination (http, telnet, ftp, mailto) that goes with the "url"(s)

numimgn is the number of animations you have for this spot. The animations should be in the same directory as "img_dir", and named the same as the "url" with a number after each one starting with "1" and ending with n number of images

skipn is the number of frames you want this animation to skip before going on to the next frame. The default is "skip no frames" which is the fastest it can animate. If you want the animation to slow down, enter a value here

namen is/are the alternate messages at the bottom of the browser that go with the corresponding "dest"s(s)

soundn is/are the sound file you would like played when the mouse traverses this node. The name should be a path relative to the location of the original HTML page.

backgroundn Place a "1" as the value here if you want the first image (the image without a number after its name) to be the background for the rest of the animation cells.

before and after tags are explained below

There is an additional feature we use on SunSoft Catalyst CDware that you may find useful. When you place "same" as the destn, a URL will be constructed from the "before", "urln", and "after" parameters. This is helpful for example when you name the images after people, and cater the "before" and "after" parameters to fit the actual URL destinations of the people.

Here is the HTML stuff to put in your web page:

(NOTE: The "before" and "after" feature is not being used below, it is just set up to be used with "same" as the destination value)

<applet code="ScrollMap.class" width=596 height=85> <param name=speed value="10"> <param name=img_dir value="images"> <param name=dir value="-7"> <param name=before value=http://snl.eng:7999/.categories/> <param name=after value=.html> <param name=url1 value=cdware.logo.gif> <param name=url2 value=huevos.gif> <param name=url3 value=cdware.back.gif> <param name=url4 value=duke> <param name=url5 value=hotjava.gif> <param name=url6 value=catlink.gif> <param name=url7 value=doom.logo.gif> <param name=url8 value=doom> <param name=name6 value="SunSoft Catalyst InterLink program"> <param name=name7 value="DOOM for Solaris"> <param name=name8 value="DOOM for Solaris"> <param name=name1 value="SunSoft Catalyst CDware program"> <param name=name3 value="Cafe del Sol"> <param name=name4 value="Duke"> <param name=name5 value="Java home page"> <param name=dest8 value=> <param name=dest7 value=> <param name=dest6 value=> <param name=dest1 value=> <param name=dest3 value=> <param name=dest4 value=> <param name=dest5 value=> <param name=sound2> <param name=numimg3 value=3> <param name=numimg4 value=10> <param name=numimg8 value=9> <param name=skip3 value=4> <param name=skip4 value=2> <param name=skip8 value=2> <param name=background3 value=1> <applet>